11/2/20232 min read

man in blue dress shirt beside man in white dress shirt
man in blue dress shirt beside man in white dress shirt

We have a long track record of achieving exceptional revenue and EBITDA growth for our CEO clients that leads to a 10X increase in Enterprise Value in a compressed time horizon.

Do you know what the average 10-year growth for a mid-market company has been from 2009 to 2019? 2.9% based on a McKinsey study.


Only 13% got above 10% growth.

Imagine how many achieve 25% compound growth – very, very small.

What do we do to achieve these outsized results?

The first thing we do with our CEOs is to:

  1. Commit them to A LARGE, BRAVE, EXTRAORDINARY goal. It should make the CEO breathe deeply and feel a bit of vertigo and then a fire of excitement and energy when I show them a clear pathway in the form of a logical set of growth initiatives to take them there.

  2. Draw a map with them of HOW WE WILL GET THERE. How to redeploy resources to achieve this plan? If you have a 10X goal then redeployment exercise is a big one as people, processes, and culture to 10X results is not the same as if you want to increase by 10% P.A.

  3. Think of any BARRIERS to ACHIEVE GOAL

    Minimize the barriers and always cover your downside. I learned this at my first job at Shell International's global strategy department as a university student. Scenario planning. Invaluable. It’s what all PE companies do when they invest in a new company. Save yourself the pain later and do it now!

We then help them to implement some of the following points in a CUSTOMIZED WAY relevant to them

  • Focus first and foremost on your edge. What is your unique, differentiated offering that constantly wins in the market and you can scale? Double down on that and don’t get distracted.

  • Go where the money is. What are the markets where you can most clearly see a straight line to profitable, fast-growing markets? Go for them.

  • Outspeed and overdeliver your competition. Faster, better, more attention than your competitors. Whatever it takes to DELIGHT your customers.

  • Leaner, then scale. Chop without remorse on markets, people, and systems that do not deliver excellence and a great ROI.

  • Look overseas if there is a large, easy market. Expand internationally if you can see your offering will be bought easily in a bigger market.

  • Acquire smartly. Marry good organic growth with very selective, ROI, accretive acquisitions.

The mix of our processes, experience, and our CEOs' companies' unique offerings lead to exceptional results.

Most of our CEO clients working with us shot up to the INC 5000 list then went on to much more and in time obtained very large exits via strategic buyers, IPOs, or PE take-outs.

Commit to excellence in 2024 by teaming up with us. Let’s discuss 1-1 here.